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Sleeping Tips Sandy McGregor

Updated: Mar 11, 2023

A Word About Alarm Clocks

Before I continue with a method to make sleep useful let me first explain why you should not use Alarm Clocks, with the emphasis on the word ALARM. The dreams that you have just before you wake up in the morning are stress release dreams. You release stress naturally when you wake up naturally. Your subconscious mind knows the time, so you need to tell it what time you wish to wake up, naturally. You can experiment with this, if you are used to an alarm clock, then please ensure that it is one that you can play a tape or a CD of some baroque music at 60 beats to the minute as you wake up. This will help you with your stress levels. Before you go to sleep you decide how many hours you want to sleep.

How To Make Sleep Useful

I have always advocated that the subconscious mind can and will continue to work during the night, but for it to work on information you want, you need to implant the content into it. After you have done that, you can wake up with a wonderful new direction the next morning. To use your subconscious mind, you use self-talk for your own guided imagery and visualization. The very first step as you lie in bed is to go to your Peaceful Place and this of course takes you to the relaxed Alpha Brain Wave state.

First: Clear The Day

As you go to sleep and before you implant any thoughts that you want into your subconscious mind it is best that you clear the day that you have just been through.

Reflect on the day that just passed. To do that it is a good idea to go through it in chronological order or however it comes up for you. Your aim is to clear the day of any ill feeling, of any hurt or guilt or anger or resentment; or any judgments that you have placed on yourself about any activity that you were involved with. Judgments could be anything like, wrong, or bad or improper or hurtful or meanor nasty. So just reflect on the day just passed, inside your mind. And when you come to any event on which there is still some anger resentment, or any other negative feeling, then tell yourself there and then, that ‘I have done the best I could do under the circumstances. And if there is anything that remains to be done, I will do it in the future’. And in fact, you could easily use a quick forgiveness process which could be something like, ‘I forgive myself for …………. and then you say what for................... hurting, or feeling guilty or feeling anger, or whatever it is. And you forgive the other person for whatever. Or you could say, I forgive myself for judging myself, or I forgive myself for judging others.

In reflecting on the day, you look at the parts that were successful, and you feel good about that, it is time to congratulate yourself. Look at all the things that you did

achieve. Did you have time to say, well done? It is important you know. That little basic self-inside of you, the child inside you, that part needs congratulating. So perhaps what you can do, inside your mind is raise your hand up, right up inside your mind you raise it right up, into the air and you take it right around behind you, and you give yourself a pat on the back. Well done, you say.

Then Turn To The Next Day

Now your mind can turn to what it is you need to achieve the next day. What activities are you going to have? Picture and imagine those activities taking place. Picture and imagine their successful outcome. Use all your senses, see, feel, hear, smell and taste, and talk to yourself, about the successful outcome. You sense that. It is best to repeat this process telling yourself that it is easy to achieve. You imagine and visualise using all your senses, knowing that you are going to achieve what you need to achieve on the next day, in a relaxed way, in an easy way. Your subconscious mind, whilst you sleep tonight, will work on solutions to do that.

Show Gratitude

The next thing to do in the process that I recommend is to be grateful. Be grateful for every challenge that has ever come into your mind, for every challenge that ever came into your life, grateful for being you and particularly grateful for the learning experiences that have resulted. Inside your mind, you picture and imagine that you are having a gratitude party. You can picture and bring in all the people you have been involved with, whether your experience was positive or negative, it doesn’t matter. You can bring all these people into your mind because you learned lessons. Whatever lessons came out of it, whatever learning experience came out of it are really experiences for your Soul. You moved onwards. So be grateful. Always embrace any challenge as it comes to you, because there will be a result from which will flow a new learning experience.

So Now For Sleep

You clear the day and bring in the next day in your Peaceful Place in the relaxed Alpha state. After that you are ready to go to sleep. The next step is to go deeper into relaxation by going to the Theta brain wave state - the meditation or dream state. And then you’ll drift off, into sleep. Before you do that, you must first tell yourself how many hours you’ll be sleeping for, that you’ll have a wonderful, restful sleep and that you’ll wake up, invigorated at whatever time you wish to wake up naturally.

To get to the Theta State - the Dream or Meditation State, I recommend the use of colours, Specific Colours. You focus on each colour, starting from the outside of the spectrum, red, and then orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue and then violet. The science behind this is that as you bring those colours into your mind, they vibrate according to their wavelength. Red is the coarsest (the biggest wavelength) and then the vibration becomes finer and finer as you go through all those colours, in that order, because the wavelength is getting smaller and smaller. This takes you to deep relaxation - the Theta Dream State, and then you easily drift into a deep, sound, restful sleep (no conscious thinking), where natural healing takes place.

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