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Playing Control Team (PCT) Pre-Match Briefing

Prior to the start of any international cricket match, it is a good idea for ALL the Umpires and the Match Referee to meet and discuss team requirements and expectations. This can be an informalmeeting, but importanttopics like the ones below should be covered to ensure the success of the officiating team. Topics:

  • Teamwork - the success of the team is first and foremost. All umpires in the team are considered equal - there are no senior and no junior umpires. Every umpire’s opinion is important and should be expressed - it is expected that all team members will speak their minds in an honest and open way without feeling threatened or inferior.

  • All members of the PCT are expected to perform their roles professionally and efficiently. Distractions at the hoteland ground are to be avoided from the main duty of performing our roles.

  • Check the quality and range of replacement cricketballs

  • Ensure that two-way radio communication protocols are established and understood by all - 4th Umpire to be sensitive of when he is around players and teams of what conversations are taking placebetween other officials.

  • Code of Conduct reporting protocols - reporting is in the jurisdiction of all match officials and it is a task to be taken seriously. Reporting as a team of officials is the preferredmethod and support for each official in the process is expected.

  • How long will it take to get from the Hotel to the ground - pre-plan leaving time for match-day.

  • Travelling arrangements for match day - time to meet and place, method of transport and security (team convoy?)

  • How the 4th Umpire can supportthe on-field umpires

    • Pitch and ground management

    • Supervision of rolling, sweeping, and mowing

    • Assistance with propersightscreen operation (no spectators either)

    • Management of the umpires’dressing room

  • How the 3rd Umpire can support the on-field umpires

    • Record delays and stoppages accurately and regular checks

    • Record players coming and going off / on the field

    • Record overs per bowler in ODIs

    • Record all incidents in the day which deserve discussion later - also record the time code on Video (inform engineer present, for later review

    • Liaise with TV Director to confirm accurate start and drinks times in a session

    • Protocol for advisingon field incidents that TV cameras may highlight

  • On-field umpires to discuss and agree on signals to be used on-field to communicate

  • PCT confidentiality on all umpiringmatters surrounding the match.


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