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Performance Plan example


******************* example


I am on the International Panel because of the following strengths I possess!

1. Strengths (describe in detail):

  • I have a good knowledge of playing conditions. I always keen to develop finer points of Law. I ensure that match runs smoothly with PCT.

  • I’m a calm person. I’m highly motivated to becoming the good umpire. My temperament is suited to my umpiring as I try to remain totally unperturbed. I ensure I’m always in control of my emotions and feelings.

  • I believe I read and understand the game well and always involved throughout. I will ensure I have good communication with my fellow umpires/ match referee and coach. I always take feedback in positive way and I’m always willing to learn and change for good.

  • I believe my routines and technique are good and with strong positive body language. I believe I have a good erect and relaxed posture on the ground. My match awareness and match management skills are competent.

2. Areas for improvement:

What are the aspects of umpiring I need to improve (be specific)?

  • I need to develop my TV umpiring skills.

  • I need to be a strong man-manager.

3. Personal/non umpiring areas for development:

In addition to umpiring related areas, what areas do I need to work on to assist with my life balance? (These may include areas that will assist me post on-field umpiring) list:

  • IT skills - management of data files, strong working knowledge of Microsoft Applications (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint).

  • Listen more and I do not talk or start conversation during the game if not required. I concentrate more on things in hand rather than talking. I will ensure that I will keep doing this moving forward in my career. I will continue attending workshops and willing to learn all new laws and playing conditions. I will continue working on creating a friendlier, welcoming environment where people want to umpire with me, and players want me to officiate, and people want to socialize with me. I will continue taking my family on Holidays to Europe and learn more about other cultures.

OK then, let’s get specific, what are 2 things (goals) I want to achieve in my umpiring over the next 12 months? At least 2 of those goals to be performance goals e.g. ‘Implement a consistent pre-delivery routine’. (Rather than outcome goals e.g. be ranked in the top 4 in the panel)

4. Goals (next 12 months, list):

4.1 I need to intervene early and manage players with authority and


4.2 I need to ensure the pace of play meets the requirements of ICC.

What am I going TO DO to achieve my goals (in the next 12 months)?

GOAL 4.1: I need to work on TV umpiring (DRS) protocols and process.

I am going to ….. (actions)

  • Review OneDrive videos of my decisions, and documents

  • Listen to and review ICC OneDrive series video examples - I will examine each example and send my Coach what I think was done well and not well, plus what I would have done or said. (Every game, ever series)

  • Continue working on knowledge-based quiz with coach (study of laws and specific event base playing conditions.

GOAL 4.2: I need to continue improving my slow radio communication,

verbalise the decision making process (sell the decision).

I am going to ….. (actions)

  • Develop my public speaking ability and confidence through

* Leading sessions at national and ******** workshops - have these video

recorded for feedback

* Re-join English Strokes web site and complete Level 3 - Advanced level -

share results of completion with my Coach.

* Practice these speaking skills in everyday life - phone, conversations

(feedback from others)

  • Get feedback specific to this work from the Referee, umpires, and Coach (via video) and make adjustments / improvements match to match.

5. Personal/non umpiring areas for development

In addition to umpiring related areas, what areas do I need to work on to assist with my life balance? (These may include areas that will assist me post on field umpiring).

In this area, I am going to ………. (list 2 or 3 actions)

5.1 IT skills - management of data files, strong working knowledge of Microsoft

Applications (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint).

  • Commit to completing a software course by the end of July 2021 covering MS applications and data organisation

  • Organise a replacement laptop and work daily on MS applications - file management.

5.2 Reading Matthew book, Black Box Thinking.

6. Other

What I need from my coach to support the achievement of my goals is ………

  • By sending informative videos and sending updates on game plan.

  • Observe and guide me on my development with Quiz and some knowledge-based Q/A on a regular basis (Playing Condition) and new ICC knowledge based information.

7. Keep, Stop, Start Doing (as a member of the International Panel)

In the next 12 months (2019/20), what is one action I will undertake in the following areas?

Keep Doing

​Developing relationships to allow people to know me more as a person/slow talking, strive for improvement.

Stop Doing

Breaking basic routine and too intense pre match focus.

Start Doing

Think like an elite panel umpire, more focus on knowledge, understanding, and working as a team player.

8. Plan Review

I will meet with my coach to discuss/review plan every 3 months.


monitoring, area/s for improvement, tweaking


monitoring, area/s for improvement, tweaking


monitoring, tweaking, consideration of focus for next year’s plan


confirmation of focus for next year’s plan, develop draft plan to discuss with coach


confirm 2021/22 plan

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