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Media Training

Media Training

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation

What are the big 3 questions they are likely to ask?

Make sure you know the facts

Talk about what you want to talk about

Practice your key messages e.g., what headlines would you like to see in tomorrow’s paper, or CrickInfo?

  • Look at the journalist - don’t look at the camera

  • Stay calm, pause, take deep breaths - stay confident - you know more than they do!

  • Manage your facial expressions and your body language

  • Respect the questioner and respect yourself - you do not have to answer the question

  • Build a bridge between yourself and the question - how does it relate to you and your experience?

  • Go at your own speed - even though the journalist may try and rush you

  • Don’t break into jail! - by talking about another issue that is not relevant - or is hypothetical

  • Repeated question? - stay with the right answer - even if you have to repeat it

  • Loaded question? - “Good question; let me set the facts right........................ ”

The photograph, above shows Geoff Allardice, Acting CEO of ICC, being interviewed by members of the press. Before the interview Geoff was briefed by C. Rajshekhar Rao, Manager, Media and Communications, ICC

C. Rajshekhar Rao will brief Geoff, and any other ICC employee, before any interview to the press.

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