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Introduction This concise protocol is designed to ensure that the match officials give a consistent message in line with the ICC’s vision and aims while projecting a positive and professional image of cricket, match officials and the organization. The protocol aims to protect match officials from awkward situations as well as ensuring they are equipped to inform the public and, if necessary, defend individual and isolated incidents or decisions. As part of the process, the ICC Media and Communications Department (MAC) can provide a brief and prepare the match official prior to an interview while also instructing media about the parameters of the interview. This protocol is to enable the match officials to be fully prepared, as well as ensuring that MAC handlesall media requests in a consistent manner. Requests for Interviews, Comments or Statements To formalize the procedure for dealing with interview requests and public statements by match officials, we have set out some guidelines for you to follow. Anybody carrying out interviews contrary to these guidelines will be asked to provide a full explanation to the ICC.

Outside of Matches Rule No. 1: All interview requests from the media should be re-directed and subsequently approved by a member of the ICC MAC team.

Rule No. 2: Refer to Rule No. 1! During Matches Match officials should seek to co-operate with host broadcaster requests for interviews on routine issues such as rain, bad light, D-L calculations, law clarifications, aspects of playing conditions etc. Where possible, when these interviews take place, both standing umpires should be present to emphasize the cohesive nature of the playing control team - presenting a united front. Where there are major issues, such as a pitch being declared unfit or a crowd disturbance leadingto a match abandonment, the ICC match referee will be interviewed. Where possible, the match referee will liaise with the MAC Department and/or ICC management prior to such interview but it’s accepted that this will not be practical in all cases. At ICC events, the interview/media conference will be carried out in conjunction with the ICC media manager present at the venue. If anybody is unsure on dealing with interview requests or media messaging, they should consultwith the ICC MAC team. Public and/or Spontaneous Statements or Comments Match officials should be aware that public statements are deemed to be any comments in either what is regarded as the traditional written and broadcast media or the new media outlets such as social networking sites (including but not restricted to Facebook, Twitter, My Space etc.) as well as podcasts, vodcasts and blogging. It also includes comments in books and on DVDs/videos.

Please be aware that any activity in the new media sphere is the equivalent of speaking with the traditional written or broadcast media.

Media Training

We are happy to offer media training for ICC match referees and umpires, which would be carried out by the ICC MAC team in conjunction with appropriate partners. If this is something you are interested in, please e-mail Rajshekhar Rao (details below).

General Points

  • Remember, when addressing any question your quotes will normally be prefaced in the media with “ICC match referee/umpire said…”or even simply “The ICC said…”

  • Any comment is deemed to be the voice and/or the official opinion of the ICC rather than the individual.

  • There is no such thing as a personal view as regards a decision based on playing conditions, laws, DRS etc. Any comment is a public comment representing the ICC.

  • Before any interview, think about what you want to say and then make sure you say it, regardless of the questions you are asked.

  • Don’t be afraid to decline to answer a question with which you are not comfortable.

  • If an interview is being recorded, don’t be afraid to ask them to stop rolling so you can re-record an answer you are not happy with. Obviously, this is not possible for live interviews!

  • When in doubt, say nothing and seek guidance from the MAC team or ICC management.

Support and Guidance

The MAC team is here to help and advise you on any area relating to media and communications. Should you have queries, please contact:

Mr C. Rajshekhar Rao

Manager - Media and Communications


Mobile: +971 50 554 5029


This protocol is there to support and protect the ICC and its match officials. ICC Media and Communications look forward to working closely with you.

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