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Leadership: Question Paper for Umpires

Leadership: Question Paper For Umpires

Complete the sections below and Discuss your answers with your coach.

Desirable Behaviour

Which behaviour not desirable

How have displayed our desired behaviours

Accountability-be on time for all events

Being Late

Your are running late for the event. What do you do?

Pride-conform to agreed team uniform

Ignore group standards

How do you set the standard of dress-code in your association/board-in all events?

When discussing issues - focus on the issue and not the personalities of the people involved

Force your opinion on others

How do you set the standard of dress-code in your association/board - in all events?

Don’t raise a problem without offering a solution


How have you overcome challenges by offering solutions in recent matches?

Promote umpiring without being asked (conduct sessions with local boards)

Not adding value to local boards on assignment

How have you promoted umpiring - without being asked?

During weather or light delay, each umpire does calculations without waiting for someone to direct them to do so

Letting others do all the work - waiting for someone else to take the lead

You should have completed the calculation sheets from Module 5 (see Module 5.5. Over rates).

Put team first

Do your own thing-be selfish

How have you put the team first (PCT)? Give examples

Offer motivation, vision, and guidance appropriately

Put self-interest ahead of the team

What motivation, vision, and guidance have you offered to umpires?

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