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In these Illegal Bowling Regulations the following words and phrases have the

following meanings:

Accredited Testing Centre: any laboratory or testing centre accredited by the ICC to conduct analysis of bowling actions pursuant to the ICC Standard Analysis Protocols.

Appointed Specialist: as defined in Article 4.1.4 and paragraph 1 of Annexure 1.

Effective Date: as defined in Article 13.3.

Elbow Extension: the motion that occurs when a Player’s arm moves from a flexed (bent) position at the elbow, to a more extended (straight) position (full Elbow Extension occurs when the arm is straight).

Elbow Hyperextension: the motion that occurs when a Player’s elbow extends beyond the straight position.

Event Panel: as defined in Article 4.9.

Event Panel Analysis: as defined in Article 4.9.

Event Panel Report: as defined in Article 5.7.

Expert Panel: as defined in Article 4.7.

Expert Panel Analysis: as defined in Article 4.7.

Expert Panel Report: as defined in Article 5.5.

ICC: the International Cricket Council or its designee.

ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists: the panel of appropriately qualified independent expert human movement specialists appointed by the ICC for the purposes of these Illegal Bowling Regulations.

Illegal Bowling Action: as defined in Article 2.1.

Independent Assessment: as defined in Article 4.1.

Independent Assessment Report: as defined in Article 5.1.

International Cricket: (a) Test Matches, One Day International Matches and Twenty20 International Matches (Men’s and Women’s); and (b) Matches that form part of the following ICC events (Men’s and Women’s) (whether or not such Match also constitutes a One Day or Twenty20 International) ICC Under 19 Cricket World Cup, ICC World Cricket League Championship, ICC Cricket World Cup Qualifier, ICC World Twenty20 Qualifier, ICC Under 19 Cricket World Cup Global Qualifier, ICC Intercontinental Cup and any other event organised or sanctioned by the ICC from time to time to which the ICC deems it appropriate that these Illegal Bowling Regulations should apply.

Judicial Commissioner: the independent person appointed by the ICC from the ICC Code of Conduct Commission to perform the functions assigned to the Judicial Commissioner pursuant to Article 8.

Major ICC Event: the ICC Cricket World Cup (Men’s and Women’s), the ICC Champions Trophy and/or the ICC World Twenty20 (Men’s and Women’s).

Match: any match played in International Cricket (excluding warm-up and practice matches).

Match Officials’ Report: as defined in Article 3.1.

Match Referee: the referee who is appointed for and in attendance at the relevant

Match. A Match Referee operating remotely shall not be considered a Match Referee for the purposes of these Illegal Bowling Regulations.

National Cricket Federation: the member board recognised by the ICC as the entity governing the sport of cricket in a country (or collective group of countries associated for cricket purposes) that the Player represents in International Cricket. Notice of Appeal: as defined in Article 8.3.

One Day International Match: as defined by Section 33 (ICC Classification of Official Cricket) of the ICC’s Operating Manual.

Other International Match: a Match that is not a Test Match, One Day International Match or Twenty20 International Match and that is not part of a Specified Event.

Player Attendance Form: the form signed by the Player confirming their attendance at and the date of an Independent Assessment.

Player(s): a cricketer who participates or has participated in International Cricket.

Re-Assessment: as defined in Article 4.5.

Specific Variation: a mode of delivery that is identifiably and significantly different from a bowler’s Standard Delivery Type in respect of either the pace of the delivery, the axis or amount of rotation imparted on the ball and/or the method of release of the ball from the hand. Deliveries where a Player’s basic bowling technique is accompanied by additional effort in order to produce a modified version of a Player’s Standard Delivery Type (such as a bouncer or yorker length delivery) do not constitute Specific Variations.

Specified Event(s): the ICC Under 19 Cricket World Cup, the ICC Cricket World Cup Qualifier (Men’s and Women’s) and the ICC World Twenty20 Qualifier (Men’s and Women’s).

Standard Analysis Protocols: the ICC Standardised Protocols for the Assessment

of Suspected Illegal Bowling Actions, as may be amended from time to time, which sets out the test methods and protocols developed for and on behalf of the ICC to analyse bowling actions, a summary of which is set out in Annexure 1.

Standard Delivery Type: the mode of delivery primarily used by a bowler, which shall include deliveries of different lines and lengths and from different positions on the crease, but which shall not include any Specific Variations.

Test Match: as defined by Section 33 (ICC Classification of Official Cricket) of the

ICC’s Operating Manual.

Testing Team: the individuals conducting an Independent Assessment, led by the

Appointed Specialist.

Twenty20 International Match: as defined by Section 33 (ICC Classification of Official Cricket) of the ICC’s Operating Manual, save that in the case of women’s Twenty20 International Matches, only those Twenty20 International Matches played between the top ten ranked women’s teams on the ICC’s official Women’s [Team/ODI] rankings as at the date of the relevant Match will be considered to fall within the definition of Twenty20 International Matches for the purposes of these Regulations.

Umpire: an on-field, TV or reserve umpire appointed to officiate in a Match in

International Cricket.


The ICC is responsible for the global governance of the sport of cricket. Historically,

the regulation of what constitutes a legal bowling action has been governed by Laws 24(2) and 24(3) of the Laws of Cricket, which state:

For a delivery to be fair in respect of the arm the ball must not be thrown; and A ball is fairly delivered in respect of the arm if, once the bowler’s arm has reached the level of the shoulder in the delivery swing, the elbow joint is not straightened partially or completely from that point until the ball has left the hand. This definition shall not debar a bowler from flexing or rotating the wrist in the delivery swing. Scientific research revealed that almost all bowling actions contained some degree of straightening at the elbow (referred to in these Illegal Bowling Regulations as “Elbow Extension”). In theory, therefore, the vast majority of bowlers, with actions considered by umpires to be legal under the Laws of Cricket, were contravening Law 24(3) each time they delivered the ball. It was also demonstrated in studies by human movement specialists that such Elbow Extension in a bowling action became noticeable to the naked eye – and started to look like a throw – when it exceeded 15 degrees.

In order to ensure that the intention behind Law 24(2) was upheld and that the distinction between bowling and throwing the ball remained, the ICC has introduced regulations stipulating a maximum degree of permitted Elbow Extension in a bowling action. As with other regulations and Playing Conditions issued by the ICC, these Illegal Bowling Regulations modify the Laws of Cricket as applied to cricket played under the ICC’s jurisdiction.

An Illegal Bowling Action is defined in these Illegal Bowling Regulations as a bowling action where a bowler’s Elbow Extension exceeds 15 degrees, measured from the point at which the bowling arm reaches the horizontal until the point at which the ball is released (any Elbow Hyperextension shall be discounted for the purposes of determining an Illegal Bowling Action).

These Illegal Bowling Regulations have therefore been adopted and implemented

by the ICC for the following reasons:

  1. to provide a consistent framework for the regulation of bowling actions;

  2. to ensure a level playing field for cricket played under the ICC’s jurisdiction, by ensuring that bowlers are not able to gain potential advantages through the use of an Illegal Bowling Action;

  3. to provide a procedure under which both suspected and confirmed Illegal Bowling Actions in International Cricket can be dealt with fairly, efficiently and with certainty; and

  4. to coordinate the approach taken in domestic cricket to the testing of suspected Illegal Bowling Actions – and the consequences of confirmed Illegal Bowling Actions – between National Cricket Federations and the ICC.

Unless otherwise indicated, references to Articles, Annexures and Appendices are to provisions of these Illegal Bowling Regulations. Capitalised words are defined terms and their definitions are set out above.


1.1 All Players are automatically bound by and required to comply with all of the provisions of these Illegal Bowling Regulations. Accordingly, by their participation in an International Match, such Players shall be deemed to have agreed:

1.1.1 to submit to any Independent Assessment convened under these Illegal Bowling Regulations pursuant to a Match Officials’ Report of a suspected Illegal Bowling Action;

1.1.2 to submit to the jurisdiction of the Judicial Commissioner in respect of any Notice of Appeal pursuant to these Illegal Bowling Regulations;

1.1.3 not to bring any proceedings in any court or other forum that are inconsistent with the foregoing submission to the jurisdiction of the Judicial Commissioner.

1.2 Without prejudice to Article 1.1, the ICC and the National Cricket Federations shall be responsible for promoting awareness of what constitutes an Illegal Bowling Action and these Illegal Bowling Regulations amongst all Players.


2.1 An Illegal Bowling Action is a bowling action where the Player’s Elbow Extension exceeds 15 degrees, measured using the Standard Analysis Protocols from the point at which the bowling arm reaches the horizontal until the point at which the ball is released. Any Elbow Hyperextension shall be discounted for the purposes of determining an Illegal Bowling Action.

2.2 Nothing contained herein shall override an Umpire’s responsibility and discretion to apply Law 24 of the Laws of Cricket, as modified by Article 2.1 above.



3.1 Any one of the following individuals may, at the conclusion of a Match in which they have officiated, submit a report by completing the template ICC Bowling Action Report Form (a “Match Officials’ Report”):

3.1.1 an Umpire; and/or

3.1.2 a Match Referee.

3.2 A Match Officials’ Report shall be submitted where a Player is either called by an Umpire under the provisions of Law 24.2 of the Laws of Cricket or is suspected by an Umpire and/or the Match Referee of bowling with an Illegal Bowling Action. The Match Officials’ Report shall detail their concerns about the bowling action of a Player including whether those concerns relate to the Player’s Standard Delivery Type or one or more Specific Variations.

3.3 In considering whether to submit a Match Officials’ Report under these Illegal Bowling Regulations, Umpires and Match Referees should use the naked eye viewing the Player’s bowling action live and/or on video footage at normal speed. Slow motion video footage should only be used to confirm initial suspicions of a Player’s use of an Illegal Bowling Action. Test Matches, One Day International Matches and Twenty20 International Matches

3.4 Where a Match Officials’ Report is submitted in relation to a Test Match, One Day International Match or Twenty20 International Match, the following procedure shall be applied:

3.4.1 within 24 hours of the conclusion of the Match in which the Player is reported, the Umpire(s) and/or the Match Referee shall provide the Player’s team manager and the ICC with a copy of the Match Officials’ Report;

3.4.2 once the Player’s team manager and the ICC have been provided with a copy of the Match Officials’ Report and within 24 hours thereof, the ICC shall make a media statement to the effect that the Player has been reported as having a suspected Illegal Bowling Action and shall be subject to the review process set out herein;

3.4.3 the ICC shall immediately write to the Player’s National Cricket Federation confirming that the Player has been reported for a suspected Illegal Bowling Action, enclosing the Match Officials’ Report and informing the Player’s National Cricket Federation that the Player shall be required to submit to an Independent Assessment in accordance with Article 4.1;

3.4.4 if the Match was televised, upon receipt of the Match Officials’ Report from the Match Referee, the ICC shall, as soon as possible, provide details to the Player’s National Cricket Federation of a link at which video footage of the Player’s bowling in the relevant Match (whether sourced from the television coverage of the Match or from a third party) can be downloaded;

3.4.5 if no video footage is available and the ICC is unable to source adequate video footage of the Player’s bowling in the Match from any third party, upon receipt of the Match Officials’ Report from the Match Referee, the ICC shall immediately write to the Player’s National Cricket Federation confirming that the Player has been reported for a suspected Illegal Bowling Action, enclosing the relevant Match Officials’ Report and requesting that the National Cricket Federation provide to the ICC within 7 days any relevant video footage of the Player’s bowling (whether in training or matches) that they are able to access. Other International Matches

3.5 Where a Match Officials’ Report is submitted in relation to an Other International Match, the following procedure shall be applied:

3.5.1 within 48 hours of the conclusion of the Match in which the Player is reported, the Umpire(s) and/or the Match Referee shall provide the Player’s team manager and the ICC with a copy of the Match Officials’ Report;

3.5.2 once the Player’s team manager and the ICC have been provided with a copy of the Match Officials’ Report and within 24 hours thereof, the ICC shall make a media statement to the effect that the Player has been reported as having a suspected Illegal Bowling Action and shall be subject to the review process as set out herein;

3.5.3 upon receipt of the Match Officials’ Report from the Umpire(s) and/or the Match Referee, the ICC shall immediately write to the Player’s National Cricket Federation confirming that the Player has been reported for a suspected Illegal Bowling Action, enclosing a copy of the Match Officials’ Report and informing the Player’s National Cricket Federation that the Player’s bowling action shall be reported to the Expert Panel for analysis;

3.5.4 if the Match in which the Player was reported was televised or if the ICC has otherwise been able to source adequate video footage of the Player’s bowling, the ICC shall, as soon as possible, provide details to the Player’s National Cricket Federation of a link at which a copy of video footage of the bowling of the Player in the relevant Match can be downloaded;

3.5.5 if no video footage is available, upon receipt of the Match Officials’ Report from the Match Referee, the ICC shall immediately write to the Player’s National Cricket Federation confirming that the Player has been reported for a suspected Illegal Bowling Action, enclosing the relevant Match Officials’ Report and requesting that the National Cricket Federation provide to the ICC within 7 days any relevant video footage of the Player’s bowling (whether in training or matches) that they are able to access;

3.5.6 if no such video footage is available, to assist with the Expert Panel Analysis, the Player’s National Cricket Federation shall be required to arrange for all of the Player’s bowling in their next Match or domestic match (whichever is the earlier) to be recorded in the manner determined and communicated to them by the ICC, and shall submit that video footage to the ICC within 48 hours of the conclusion of the relevant Match or domestic match;

3.5.7 In circumstances where the relevant Match was not televised and where the Player’s National Cricket Federation fails to provide either acceptable video footage (in the ICC’s sole discretion) or video footage of all the Player’s bowling in their next match, whether international or domestic, within the period prescribed in Article 3.5.6 above, the Player shall automatically be suspended from bowling in International Cricket until such time as the Player submits to a review of their bowling action by an Expert Panel, with the precise terms of such review (including but not limited to a requirement that the Player’s National Cricket Federation provide acceptable video footage prior to undertaking the review) to be determined by the Expert Panel in their sole discretion.

Specified Events

3.6 Where a Match Officials’ Report is submitted in relation to a Match forming part of a Specified Event, the following procedure shall be applied:

3.6.1 within 24 hours of the conclusion of the Match in which the Player is reported, the Umpire(s) and/or the Match Referee shall provide the Player’s team manager and the ICC with a copy of the Match Officials’ Report. At the same time the ICC shall provide a copy of the Match Officials’ Report to the Event Panel for analysis;

3.6.2 if the Match in which the Player was reported was televised, the ICC shall, as soon as possible, provide details to the Player’s National Cricket Federation and the Event Panel of a link at which a copy of the video footage of the bowling of the Player in the relevant Match can be downloaded. If no video footage is available, the Event Panel shall make arrangements to record the Player’s bowling in the next Match(es) in the Specified Event in which they participate. In addition, even where video footage of the Match in which the Player was reported is available, the Event Panel may, in their sole discretion, make arrangements to record the Player’s bowling in the next Match(es) in the Specified Event in which they participate to assist them in their analysis. Copies of any video footage collated by the Event Panel pursuant to this Article 3.6.2 shall be made available to the Player’s National Cricket Federation by the ICC via a download link, unless exceptional circumstances exist, as soon as reasonably practicable.


Independent Assessment

4.1 Where a Player is reported for a suspected Illegal Bowling Action pursuant to Article 3.4, they shall be required to submit to an independent analysis of their bowling action (the “Independent Assessment”) which shall be carried out in accordance with the following procedure:

4.1.1 the Independent Assessment shall be carried out as soon as reasonably practicable and, unless exceptional circumstances exist, within 14 days of receipt by the Player’s National Cricket Federation of the notice referred to in Article 3.4.3;

4.1.2 in the event of a Player being reported during a Match in a Major ICC Event, the Independent Assessment shall be carried out on an expedited basis. Accordingly, unless exceptional circumstances exist, the Independent Assessment shall be carried out within a period of 72 hours from the time of the ICC’s receipt of the Match Officials’ Report;

4.1.3 the ICC shall be responsible for liaising with the Player’s National Cricket Federation in order to determine the date and time at which the Independent Assessment shall be carried out and shall ensure that the Player, through the Player’s National Cricket Federation, is given reasonable notice thereof. All travel and accommodation arrangements shall be made by the ICC in consultation with the Player’s National Cricket Federation;

4.1.4 the Independent Assessment shall be supervised by a member of the ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists (the “Appointed Specialist”) appointed by the ICC in its sole discretion. The Independent Assessment shall take place at an Accredited Testing Centre, appointed by the ICC in consultation with the Player’s National Cricket Federation;

4.1.5 when appointing an Appointed Specialist or an Accredited Testing Centre, the ICC’s preference where possible will be to test the Player at an Accredited Testing Centre in a country other than their own country, and for the Independent Assessment to be conducted by an Appointed Specialist from a county other than the Player’s. However, each Accredited Testing Centre is fully independent of the ICC and National Cricket Federations and therefore it may be necessary for an Independent Assessment to be conducted by an Appointed Specialist from the Player’s home country, or at an Accredited Testing Centre in the Player’s home country;

4.1.6 the Independent Assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the Standard Analysis Protocols set out in Annexure 1 and shall take into account the Match Officials’ Report. During the Independent Assessment, the Player shall be required to replicate the specific bowling action for which they were reported. If the Player expresses any concern or complaint regarding the circumstances or conduct of the Independent Assessment, they should make these known to the Appointed Specialist before the completion of the Independent Assessment. The Player shall note the relevant concern or complaint on the Player Attendance Form, which the Appointed Specialist shall include with the Independent Assessment Report.

4.2 In the event of the Player failing to submit to the Independent Assessment within the deadlines referred to in Articles 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 by reason of any action, inaction or otherwise of the Player (including injury), they shall be immediately suspended from bowling in International Cricket until such time as they submit to an Independent Assessment which determines that they do not use an Illegal Bowling Action. If the Independent Assessment does not take place within the

stipulated deadline by reason of any action, inaction or otherwise of the ICC, the Player shall not be suspended pursuant to this Article 4.2.

4.3 Subject to the provisions of Article 4.2 above and Article 4.4 below, throughout the period up to the date of receipt by the Player’s National Cricket Federation of the validated Independent Assessment Report, th Player shall be permitted to continue bowling in International Cricket. At any time throughout this period the Player is subject to being called on the field by the Umpire(s) in accordance with Law 24.2 and the consequences of being called under Law 24.2 shall apply. During this period a further Match Officials’ Report shall, however, have no consequence.

4.4 A Player who is the subject of a Match Officials’ Report in an Other International Match or a Specified Event shall, irrespective of the conclusion of the Expert Panel or Event Panel (as applicable), not be permitted to bowl in a Major ICC Event without submitting to an Independent Assessment which results in a validated Independent Assessment Report that determines that the Player is able to bowl without using an Illegal Bowling Action.


4.5 Subject to the provisions of Article 6.12 (in which case a period of 1 year from the date of suspension must be observed), a Player who has been suspended from bowling in International Cricket under these Illegal Bowling Regulations (or from a National Cricket Federation’s domestic cricket pursuant to Article 10.2) may, at any time, apply to the ICC for an independent re-assessment of their bowling action (a “Re-Assessment”), which shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure for the Independent Assessment in Article 4.1 above, save that:

4.5.1 the Player shall be required to identify, prior to the Re-Assessment, their Standard Delivery Type and any Specific Variations which they wish to bowl during the Re-Assessment;

4.5.2 Article 5.2.1, Article 5.2.4 and Article 6.1.2 shall not be applicable; and

4.5.3 all provisions of the Standard Analysis Protocols relating to the replication of a Player’s previous match bowling action shall not be applicable.

4.6 The validated Independent Assessment Report resulting from the Re-Assessment shall stand in the place of the original validated Independent Assessment Report, Expert Panel Report and/or Event Panel Report (as applicable) and the provisions of these Illegal Bowling Regulations shall apply in respect of it. The validated Independent Assessment Report resulting from such Re-Assessment (and, where deemed appropriate by the ICC, video footage from the Re-Assessment) shall be made available by the ICC to relevant Umpires and/or Match Referees.

Expert Panel Analysis

4.7 Where a Player is reported for a suspected Illegal Bowling Action pursuant to Article 3.5, the Match Officials’ Report shall be referred to a panel of two members of the ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists (the “Expert Panel”) to conduct a review of the Player’s bowling action (the “Expert Panel Analysis”), which shall be carried out in accordance with the following procedure:

4.7.1 the Expert Panel shall be appointed by the ICC within 48 hours of the ICC’s receipt of the Match Officials’ Report. The members of the Expert Panel shall, wherever possible, be from countries other than the country that the Player represents in International Cricket;

4.7.2 in order to conduct their review, the Expert Panel shall review either the video footage of the Player’s bowling in the Match in which the Player was reported or the video footage provided by the Player’s National Cricket Federation in accordance with Articles 3.5.6 and 3.5.7 (as applicable) in order to conclude (unanimously) whether the Player bowls with an Illegal Bowling Action;

4.7.3 the Expert Panel shall carry out its review (whether in person or via telephone or video-conference) as soon as reasonably practicable and, unless exceptional circumstances exist, within 7 days of either (a) in the case of a televised Match, receipt by the Player’s National Cricket Federation of the notice referred to in Article 3.5.3, or (b) in the case of a non-televised Match, the ICC’s receipt of the video footage from the Player’s National Cricket Federation pursuant to Articles 3.5.6 and 3.5.7;

4.7.4 in considering the video footage of the Player and conducting its analysis the Expert Panel shall use its experience and technical expertise to arrive at an assessment of whether the Player uses an Illegal Bowling Action as defined within these Illegal Bowling Regulations;

4.8 Subject to the provisions of Article 4.4, throughout the period up to the date of receipt of the Expert Panel Report, the Player shall be permitted to continue bowling in International Cricket. At any time throughout this period the Player is subject to being called on the field by the Umpire(s) in accordance with Law 24.2 and the consequences of being called under Law 24.2 shall apply. During this period a further Match Officials’ Report shall, however, have no consequence.

Event Panel Analysis

4.9 Where a Player is reported for a suspected Illegal Bowling Action pursuant to Article 3.6, the Match Officials’ Report shall be referred to the bowling action review panel appointed by the ICC in advance of the relevant Specified Event (the “Event Panel”, which shall comprise of at least two and at a maximum three members) to conduct a review of the Player’s bowling action (the “Event Panel Analysis”).

4.10 The members of the Event Panel shall be drawn from any one or more of the following: the ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists, the ICC’s High Performance Manager or any other independent persons with the relevant area of expertise as may be required in the opinion of the ICC General Manager – Cricket. Members of the Event Panel may be in attendance at the Specified Event, or they may operate remotely to undertake the Event Panel Analysis, which shall be carried out in accordance with the following procedure:

4.10.1 the Event Panel shall carry out the Event Panel Analysis as soon as reasonably practicable and, unless exceptional circumstances exist, within 3 days of their receipt of the Match Officials’ Report;

4.10.2 in order to conduct their analysis, the Event Panel shall review either the video footage of the Player’s bowling in the Match in which the Player was reported, if available, and/or the video footage of the Player’s bowling action that they have collated themselves in order to use their experience and technical expertise to arrive at a conclusion as to whether the Player uses an Illegal Bowling Action as defined within these Illegal Bowling Regulations;

4.11 Subject to the provisions of Article 4.4, throughout the period up to the date of receipt of the Event Panel Report, the Player shall be permitted to continue bowling in International Cricket. At any time throughout this period the Player is subject to being called on the field by the Umpire(s) in accordance with Law 24.2 and the consequences of being called under Law 24.2 shall apply. During this period a further Match Officials’ Report shall, however, have no consequence.


Independent Assessment

5.1 As soon as reasonably possible and, unless exceptional circumstances exist, at the latest within 10 days of the date on which the Independent Assessment or Re-Assessment was carried out, the Appointed Specialist shall provide the ICC with a detailed written report (the “Independent Assessment Report”) in the form prescribed by the ICC and set out at Appendix 1.

5.2 The Independent Assessment Report shall indicate:

5.2.1 whether the Player’s bowling action during the Independent Assessment was, in the opinion of the Appointed Specialist, materially different to their bowling action in the video footage from the Match in which the Match Officials’ Report was submitted (both in respect of their Standard Delivery Type and any Specific Variations (if any) identified in the Match Officials’ Report);

5.2.2 the Elbow Extension measured in the Independent Assessment in respect of their Standard Delivery Type;

5.2.3 the Elbow Extension measured in the Independent Assessment in respect of each Specific Variation;

5.2.4 whether, in the opinion of the Appointed Specialist, the conclusion in Articles 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 above is consistent with the relevant video footage provided pursuant to Articles 3.4.4 and 3.4.5.

5.3 Immediately upon receipt of the Independent Assessment Report, the ICC shall send the Independent Assessment Report to at least one member of the ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists (who shall not have had any prior involvement with the case) for review and validation of the determination in the Independent Assessment Report as to whether the Player uses an Illegal Bowling Action.

5.4 Immediately upon receipt of the validated Independent Assessment Report and regardless of the determination contained therein in respect of the use of an Illegal Bowling Action, the ICC shall provide the Player’s National Cricket Federation with a copy thereof.

Expert Panel Report

5.5 The Expert Panel shall, unless exceptional circumstances exist, provide a written report to the ICC (the “Expert Panel Report”) within 14 days of either (a) in the case of a televised Match, receipt by the Player’s National Cricket Federation of the notice referred to in Article 3.5.3, or (b) in the case of a non-televised Match, receipt of the video footage provided by the National Cricket Federation pursuant to Articles 3.5.6 and 3.5.7. The Expert Panel Report shall contain:

5.5.1 details of the Match following which the relevant Match Officials’ Report was submitted;

5.5.2 details of any relevant observations made by the Umpires and/ or Match Referee in the Match Officials’ Report in relation to the Player’s bowling action;

5.5.3 relevant still images from the video footage examined by the Expert Panel;

5.5.4 an analysis of the degree of Elbow Extension used by the Player in their bowling action;

5.5.5 a conclusion as to whether the Player uses an Illegal Bowling Action as defined in Article 2.1 of these Illegal Bowling Regulations.

5.6 Upon receipt of the Expert Panel Report, the ICC shall immediately write to the Player’s National Cricket Federation enclosing a copy of the Expert Panel Report and confirming the outcome thereof.

Event Panel Report

5.7 The Event Panel shall provide a written report to the ICC (the “Event Panel Report”), unless exceptional circumstances exist, within 7 days of receipt by them of the Match Officials’ Report. The Event Panel Report shall contain:

5.7.1 details of the Match following which the relevant Match Officials’ Report was submitted;

5.7.2 details of any relevant observations made by the Umpires and/ or Match Referee in the Match Officials’ Report in relation to the Player’s bowling action;

5.7.3 relevant still images from the video footage examined by the Expert Panel;

5.7.4 an analysis of the degree of Elbow Extension used by the Player in their bowling action;

5.7.5 a conclusion as to whether the Player uses an Illegal Bowling Action as defined in Article 2.1 of these Illegal Bowling Regulations.

5.8 Upon receipt of the Event Panel Report, the ICC shall immediately write to the Player’s National Cricket Federation enclosing a copy of the Event Panel Report and confirming the outcome thereof.


Independent Assessment

6.1 Subject to Article 6.2 below, where the validated Independent Assessment Report determines either:

6.1.1 that the Player used an Illegal Bowling Action in respect of their Standard Delivery Type during the Independent Assessment and that such conclusion is consistent with the relevant video footage; or

6.1.2 that the Player’s bowling action during the Independent Assessment was materially different to their bowling action in the Match in respect of which the relevant Match Officials’ Report was submitted, the Player shall immediately be suspended from bowling in International Cricket. The suspension shall be effective from the date of receipt by the Player’s National Cricket Federation of a copy of the validated Independent Assessment Report pursuant to Article 5.4.

6.2 Where the validated Independent Assessment Report determines that the Player used an Illegal Bowling Action during the Independent Assessment in respect of one or more Specific Variations only (and that their Standard Delivery Type did not use an Illegal Bowling Action) the Player shall be alowed to continue bowling in International Cricket, subject to the warning that should they continue to bowl the Specific Variation(s) for which they have been found to have an Illegal Bowling Action, they will run the risk of being reported for a second time. In these circumstances a further Match Officials’ Report resulting in a validated Independent Assessment Report determining that the Player has used an Illegal Bowling Action for a Specific Variation shall result in the immediate suspension of the Player from bowling in International Cricket. Such suspension shall be considered a second suspension under the provisions of Article 6.12.

6.3 Where a validated Independent Assessment Report determines that the Player does not use an Illegal Bowling Action, the Player shall be permitted to continue bowling in International Cricket. The ICC shall communicate this determination to any relevant National Cricket Federations, Umpires and/or Match Referees and shall as soon as reasonably practicable issue a media statement to the effect that the Player has been determined by an Independent Assessment not to use an Illegal Bowling Action.

6.4 In the event of a Re-Assessment conducted pursuant to Article 4.5 determining that the Player is able to bowl without using an Illegal Bowling Action, the Player’s suspension shall be lifted and they shall be permitted to resume bowling in International Cricket immediately. The ICC shall communicate this determination to any relevant National Cricket Federations, Umpires and/or Match Referees and shall as soon as reasonably practicable issue a media statement to the effect that, upon Re-Assessment, the Player has been determined by an Independent Assessment to be able to bowl without using an Illegal Bowling Action.

Expert Panel Analysis

6.5 Where the Expert Panel Report concludes that the Player uses an Illegal Bowling Action, the Player shall be immediately suspended from bowling in International Cricket.

6.6 Where the Expert Panel Report concludes that the Player does not use an Illegal Bowling Action, the Player shall be permitted to continue bowling in International Cricket.

Event Panel Analysis

6.7 Where the Event Panel Report concludes that the Player uses an Illegal Bowling Action, the Player shall be immediately suspended from bowling in International Cricket.

6.8 Where the Event Panel Report concludes that the Player does not use an Illegal Bowling Action, the Player shall be permitted to continue bowling in International Cricket.

Disputing an Expert Panel Report or Event Panel Report

6.9 Where an Expert Panel Report or an Event Panel Report concludes that the Player uses an Illegal Bowling Action, if the Player and/or their National Cricket Federation disputes that conclusion, the Player and/ or their National Cricket Federation shall so notify the ICC within 7 days of receipt by the Player’s National Cricket Federation of the Expert Panel Report or Event Panel Report (as applicable) and notify the ICC that consequently the Player shall submit as soon as practicable, at the Player’s or the National Cricket Federation’s cost, to an Independent Assessment conducted by an Appointed Specialist at an Accredited

Testing Centre in line with the Standard Analysis Protocols.

6.10 If the validated Independent Assessment Report resulting from an Independent Assessment conducted pursuant to Article 6.9 above determines that the Player does not use an Illegal Bowling Action, the Player’s suspension from bowling in International Cricket shall be immediately lifted and they shall be permitted to resume bowling in International Cricket immediately.

6.11 If the validated Independent Assessment Report resulting from an Independent Assessment conducted pursuant to Article 6.9 above determines that the Player uses an Illegal Bowling Action, the suspension imposed pursuant to Article 6.5 or Article 6.7 (as applicable) shall remain in force.

Second and subsequent reports

6.12 In the event of a Player being suspended from bowling in International Cricket under these Illegal Bowling Regulations for a second time within a period of 2 years from the date of the commencement of the first period of suspension, the Player shall be automatically suspended from bowling in International Cricket for a minimum period of 1 year. In the event of a Player being suspended from bowling in International Cricket under these Illegal Bowling Regulations for a third time, the Player shall be automatically suspended from bowling in International Cricket for a minimum period of 2 years.


Independent Assessment

7.1 A suspension imposed as a result of an Independent Assessment pursuant to Article 4.1 or Article 4.5 shall remain in place until such time as the Player has submitted to a Re-Assessment in accordance with the provisions set out in Article 4.5 and, in a validated Independent Assessment Report resulting from such Re-Assessment, it is determined that the Player is able to bowl without using an Illegal Bowling Action, whereupon the Player shall be permitted to resume bowling in International Cricket immediately.

7.2 Only after the expiry of the 1 year period of suspension imposed pursuant to Article 6.12 shall a Player be permitted to apply to the ICC for a Re-Assessment in accordance with Article 4.5.

Expert Panel Analysis

7.3 A suspension imposed as a result of an Expert Panel Report pursuant to Article 5.5 (and which is not disputed by the Player and/or their National Cricket Federation in accordance with Article 6.9) shall remain in force until such time as either (a) the Player undertakes a review of their bwling action by a further Expert Panel (the precise terms of which shall be determined by the Expert Panel in their sole discretion) which concludes that they are able to bowl without using an Illegal Bowling Action or (b) the Player, at their or their National Cricket Federation’s own cost, submits to a Re-Assessment conducted by an Appointed Specialist at an Accredited Testing Centre pursuant to Article 4.5 and a validated Independent Assessment Report resulting from such Re-Assessment determines that they are able to bowl without using an Illegal Bowling Action, whereupon the Player shall be permitted to resume bowling in International Cricket immediately.

7.4 If the validated Independent Assessment Report resulting from a Re-Assessment conducted pursuant to Article 7.3 above determines that the Player uses an Illegal Bowling Action, the suspension imposed shall remain in force.

Event Panel Analysis

7.5 A suspension imposed as a result of an Event Panel Report pursuant to Article 5.7 (and which is not disputed by the Player and/or their National Cricket Federation in accordance with Article 6.9) shall remain in force until such time as the Player, at their or their National Cricket Federation’s cost, submits to a Re-Assessment conducted by an Appointed Specialist at an Accredited Testing Centre pursuant to Article 4.5 and a validated Independent Assessment Report resulting from such Re-Assessment determines that they are able to bowl without using an Illegal Bowling Action, whereupon the Player shall be permitted to resume bowling in International Cricket immediately.

7.6 If the validated Independent Assessment Report resulting from a Re-Assessment conducted pursuant to Article 7.5 above determines that the Player uses an Illegal Bowling Action, the suspension imposed shall remain in force.


8.1 A determination that a Player uses an Illegal Bowling Action as a result of a validated Independent Assessment Report following an Independent Assessment conducted by an Accredited Testing Centre in accordance with the Standard Analysis Protocols shall not be subject to further review. As such, a Player and/or their National Cricket Federation shall not be entitled to appeal the scientific basis for a validated Independent Assessment Report.

8.2 However, in circumstances where a Player and/or their National Cricket Federation contend that the ICC has not followed its own procedures under these Illegal Bowling Regulations and such failure has had a material effect upon the validated Independent Assessment Report, the Player and/or their National Cricket Federation shall be entitled to seek a review of the procedural aspects of their case by way of a Notice of Appeal to a Judicial Commissioner, in accordance with Article 8.3.

8.3 A Player and/or their National Cricket Federation seeking a review of their case shall lodge written notice thereof with the ICC’s General Counsel (with a copy to the ICC’s General Manager – Cricket) within 7 days of receipt by the Player’s National Cricket Federation of the validated Independent Assessment Report (the “Notice of Appeal”). The Notice of Appeal shall include a written statement setting out, in detail, the grounds for the review of the suspension, together with any documents that the Player wishes to rely on in support of such review.

8.4 Upon receipt of a Notice of Appeal, the ICC’s General Counsel shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, appoint one member of the ICC’s Code of Conduct Commission, who shall be from a country other than that of the Player, to act as the Judicial Commissioner and hear the case, sitting alone.

8.5 The procedure for the review (including whether to convene a hearing or, alternatively, to determine the matter, or any part thereof, by way of written submissions alone) shall be at the discretion of the Judicial Commissioner, provided that the review is conducted in a manner that affords the Player a fair and reasonable opportunity to present evidence (including the right to call and question witnesses by telephone or video-conference where necessary), address the Judicial Commissioner and present their case. The Player shall be entitled to a representative during the review process, who shall be entitled to attend any hearing.

8.6 In circumstances where the Judicial Commissioner determines that a hearing should be held, the Player shall, where possible, attend the hearing. The ICC shall be responsible for making the necessary arrangements for the hearing and shall ensure that the Player, through the Player’s National Cricket Federation, is given reasonable notice of the relevant arrangements. If the Player has received notice of the hearing and fails to attend, the hearing may, at the sole discretion of the Judicial Commissioner, proceed in the absence of the Player.

8.7 The Judicial Commissioner may, at any time during the process and at their sole discretion, seek expert advice, at the ICC’s cost, from a human movement specialist (who may be a member of the ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists), to assist them in their deliberations.

8.8 The Judicial Commissioner shall decide whether or not the review of the Player and/or their National Cricket Federation to the procedure should be upheld and, if so, what the consequences, if any, are of that decision. These may include, without limitation, upholding the Player’s review and, where the Judicial Commissioner considers that such procedural defect is of such a serious nature that it materially affected the outcome of the Independent Assessment (and consequently, that the validated Independent Assessment Report cannot be considered reliable), amending the results of the Independent Assessment. The Judicial Commissioner shall, in each case, set out the reasons why the decision has been reached, including a summary of the evidence on which the decision was based.

8.9 The ICC shall communicate the decision of the Judicial Commissioner in writing to the Player, through their National Cricket Federation, within48 hours of its receipt of the Judicial Commissioner’s decision.

8.10 Subject to the right of the Player to apply to the ICC for a Re-Assessment in accordance with Article 4.5, the decision of the Judicial Commissioner shall be final and binding.


Independent Assessment

9.1 The ICC shall be responsible for the costs incurred by the Player in attending an initial Independent Assessment


9.2 The Player and/or the Player’s National Cricket Federation shall be responsible for the costs incurred by the Player in attending any Re-Assessments carried out pursuant to Article 4.5.

Independent Assessments Subsequent to Expert Panel Report or Event Panel Report

9.3 Where a validated Independent Assessment Report pursuant to Article6.9 determines that a Player suspended as a result of an Expert Panel Report or Event Panel Report does not use an Illegal Bowling Action, the costs of such Independent Assessment incurred by the Player and/or their National Cricket Federation, including the costs incurred by the Player to attend, shall be reimbursed by the ICC to the Player’s National Cricket Federation upon production of valid receipts.


9.4 The ICC shall be responsible for the costs incurred by the Player in attending any hearing before a Judicial Commissioner.

9.5 The costs incurred by the Player and/or their National Cricket Federation for any representation at such a hearing before a Judicial Commissioner shall be borne by the Player and/or their National Cricket Federation.


10.1 All National Cricket Federations shall formulate and implement a policy and strategy in the form of procedures to deal with players with suspected Illegal Bowling Actions in their domestic cricket. It is the responsibility of National Cricket Federations to ensure that bowlers with suspected Illegal Bowling Actions are closely monitored and scrutinized before being picked to represent the National Cricket Federation in International Cricket.

10.2 Where a National Cricket Federation’s procedures for dealing with players with suspected Illegal Bowling Actions involve the assessment of such players’ actions conducted at an Accredited Testing Centre using the Standard Analysis Protocols and conducted pursuant to these Illegal Bowling Regulations, the National Cricket Federation shall ensure that the results of such assessments are interpreted in the same way as if the assessment was conducted pursuant to these Illegal Bowling Regulations.

10.3 A National Cricket Federation may provide the ICC with the full report from any such assessments undertaken and, upon receipt of such information, the ICC shall maintain appropriate records. However, whilst the ICC may choose to communicate such information to Umpires and Match Referees where it considers this relevant and appropriate, it shall be under no obligation to do so. Further, the results of any assessments conducted by a National Cricket Federation shall not preclude any Player in International Cricket from either being called by an Umpire under the provisions of Law 24.2 of the Laws of Cricket or being reported for a suspected Illegal Bowling Action under these Illegal Bowling Regulations.


11.1 A suspension from bowling in International Cricket imposed on a Player under these Illegal Bowling Regulations shall be respected and enforced by all National Cricket Federations in respect of domestic cricket under their jurisdiction automatically upon receipt of notice of the same, without the need for any further formality. All National Cricket Federations shall take all steps legally available to them to enforce and give effect to such decisions.

11.2 Upon a suspension from bowling in International Cricket being lifted, whether as a result of a validated Independent Assessment Report or an Expert Panel Report, a Player shall be permitted to bowl in all domestic cricket under the auspices of all National Cricket Federations without the need for any further formality.

11.3 In circumstances where a National Cricket Federation suspends a player from bowling in domestic cricket under its own rules, where such suspension is imposed on the basis of an analysis of the respective player conducted by an Accredited Testing Centre and in accordance with the Standard Analysis Protocols, such suspension shall be respected and enforced by the ICC in International Cricket and all National Cricket Federations in respect of domestic cricket under their jurisdiction automatically upon receipt of notice of the same, without the need for any further formality. The ICC and National Cricket Federations shall take all steps legally available to them to enforce and give effect to such decisions.

11.4 Where a player has been suspended pursuant to Article 11.3, the player may submit at any time to a further analysis of their bowling action arranged by the same National Cricket Federation and conducted at an Accredited Testing Centre in accordance with the Standard Analysis Protocols. Where such further analysis determines that they are able to bowl without using an Illegal Bowling Action, the player shall be permitted to bowl by the ICC in International Cricket and by all National Cricket Federations in their own domestic cricket without the need for any further formality.

11.5 Notwithstanding the foregoing, where a Player has been suspended from bowling pursuant to either Articles 11.1 or 11.3 above, their National Cricket Federation may (but shall be under no obligation to) permit the Player to continue to bowl in their own domestic competitions.

11.6 Notwithstanding the recognition by the ICC of suspensions of Player sunder Article 11.3, only suspensions resulting from International Cricket shall be relevant for the purposes of Article 6.12 (automatic suspension for a minimum 1 year period resulting from a second suspension within 2 year period).


12.1 The ICC shall be responsible for maintaining records in which the names of all Players reported under these Illegal Bowling Regulations and the details and status of all Independent Assessments, Expert Panel Analyses and Event Panel Analyses are recorded.

12.2 The ICC shall also maintain information on assessments conducted by National Cricket Federations and notified to the ICC pursuant to Article10.3 of these Illegal Bowling Regulations.


13.1 The Illegal Bowling Regulations may be amended from time to time by the Executive Board of the ICC, with such amendments coming into effect on the date specified by the ICC.

13.2 The headings used for the various Articles of these Illegal Bowling Regulations are for the purpose of guidance only and shall not be deemed to be part of the substance of these Illegal Bowling Regulations or to inform or affect in any way the language of the provisions to which they refer.

13.3 The Illegal Bowling Regulations shall come into full force and effect on 30 September 2018 (the “Effective Date”). They shall not apply retrospectively to Matches commencing prior to the Effective Date; provided, however, that any Match Officials’ Report pending as of the Effective Date shall be governed by the predecessor version of these Illegal Bowling Regulations in force at the time of the alleged offence, subject to any application of the principle of lex mitior.

13.4 If any Article or provision of these Illegal Bowling Regulations is held invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, these Illegal Bowling Regulations shall remain otherwise in full force apart from such Article or provision which shall be deemed deleted insofar as it is invalid, unenforceable or illegal.

13.5 These Illegal Bowling Regulations are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English law. Strictly without prejudice to a Player’s submission to the jurisdiction of a Judicial Commissioner under Article1.1.2, disputes relating to these Illegal Bowling Regulations shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.



Conduct of Independent Assessments

1 The ICC shall appoint an individual from the ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists (the “Appointed Specialist”) to oversee the conduct of Independent Assessments in accordance with the Illegal Bowling Regulations.

2 All members of the ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists shall have the necessary qualifications, equipment and access to Accredited Testing Centre sin order to conduct Independent Assessments in accordance with these Standard Analysis Protocols.

3 As of the Effective Date, the ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists consists of the following individuals:

  • Dr Mian Muhammad Awais;

  • Dr Andrea Cutti;

  • Mr Anees Sayed;

  • Dr Luke Kelly;

  • Dr Mark King; and

  • Dr Helen Bayne.

4 Additional appropriately qualified human movement specialists may be appointed to the ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists by the ICC from time to time.

5 Independent Assessments shall be conducted at Accredited Testing Centres by a Testing Team which shall be led by the Appointed Specialist.

6 As of the Effective Date, the Accredited Testing Centres comprise the following institutions:

  • Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan;

  • Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK;

  • Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, India;

  • The National Cricket Centre, Brisbane, Australia; and

  • The University of Pretoria, Hatfield, South Africa.

7 Additional appropriately equipped institutions may be accredited by the ICC as Accredited Testing Centres from time to time.

Equipment for Independent Assessments

8 Accredited Testing Centres shall be equipped with high speed video cameras, a 3D motion analysis system, a standardized kit of markers and calibration tools and any other facilities and equipment notified to the ICC by the ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists from time to time.

9 The data collection and camera system shall be standardized by ICC-supplied calibration tools used in accordance with the instructions of the ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists.

10 Standardized software packages provided by the ICC shall be used by the Testing Team to analyze the data from the Independent Assessment and produce the Independent Assessment Report.

Preparation for Independent Assessments

11 Prior to the Independent Assessment, the ICC shall provide the Appointed Specialist with video footage of the Player’s bowling action from the match in which the relevant Match Officials’ Report was submitted and/or other relevant video footage of the Player’s bowling action. This video footage shall be used by the Testing Team to compare the Player’s match bowling action with the Player’s bowling action during the Independent Assessment.

12 The Testing Team may, at the sole discretion of the Appointed Specialist, include a relevant cricketing expert (normally a first-class umpire, former player or specialist coach) to help the Testing Team to determine if the Player is accurately reproducing their match bowling action during the Independent Assessment.

13 Prior to the Independent Assessment the Testing Team shall provide the Player with an explanation of the requirements for the Independent Assessment under these Standard Analysis Protocols, including the deliveries that the Player shall be required to bowl in accordance with paragraphs 26-29.

14 The Testing Team, prior to the Independent Assessment, shall:

  1. record the Player’s age, injury status, bowling arm and bowling style (Standard Delivery Type and any Specific Variations) on the Independent Assessment Report;

  2. measure the Player’s height and weight and record this information on the Independent Assessment Report; and

  3. assess the Player for joint hypermobility using the Beighton scale.

15 Prior to the Independent Assessment, the Testing Team shall give the Player the opportunity to present to the Appointed Specialist any medical and/or scientific information relevant to the Independent Assessment.

16 The Player may, at the cost of the Player and/or their National Cricket Federation, be accompanied to the Independent Assessment by an individual approved in advance by the ICC. Such person may include a chaperone, the Player’s coach or a member of the Player’s National Cricket Federation support staff. This individual shall be permitted to observe the Independent Assessment but cannot (unless invited by the Testing Team) be involved or interfere in any aspect of it.

Calibration and warm-up

17 Male Players shall undertake the Independent Assessment with a bare torso; female Players shall wear appropriate clothing as agreed with the Testing Team. The Testing Team may require shaving of some areas of the Player’s skin for the purpose of securely attaching the marker set.

18 The Testing Team shall:

  1. place the marker set on the Player’s bowling arm and torso;

  2. take photographs of the placement of the market set; and

  3. perform a series of shoulder and arm movements (system calibration)before and after the Player has bowled deliveries during their warm-up.

19 The process described in paragraph 18 above shall be repeated until the Testing Team is satisfied that the testing equipment is adequately calibrated.

20 The Testing Team shall provide the Player with the opportunity to conduct their normal pre-bowling warm-up routine, which shall comprise as many deliveries and shall be of such duration as the Player may require.

21 The Testing Team shall indicate clearly to the Player when the calibration process is complete and shall establish from the Player when their warm-up is complete and when the Player is ready to commence the Independent Assessment.

Procedure for Independent Assessments

22 The Independent Assessment shall be completed in one day.

23 Wherever possible, the Independent Assessment shall be conducted indoors on a full-length cricket pitch and with a full run-up available to the Player.

24 The Testing Team shall provide the ball to be used during the Independent Assessment, which may be new or used and shall be of the approved standard under the Standard Playing Conditions for Test, One Day International orTwenty20 International Cricket (in respect of male Players) or Women’s Test Match Playing Conditions, ICC Women’s Championship Playing Conditions or Women’s Twenty20 Playing Conditions (in respect of female Players).

25 The Player shall be required to replicate their match bowling action (including full length run-up), position on the crease, and pace of delivery in bowling the mode and quantity of deliveries specified by the Testing Team in accordance with paragraphs 26-29 below (as applicable).

26 The Player shall be required to bowl a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 36deliveries during the Independent Assessment. The Testing Team shall in their sole discretion determine the number of deliveries to be bowled using the Player’s Standard Delivery Type and any Specific Variations.

27 A minimum of 6 deliveries of any mode of delivery that has been mentioned on a Match Officials’ Report (Standard Delivery Type or Specific Variation) shall be required to be bowled by the Player during the Independent Assessment.

28 Where the Player’s Standard Delivery Type is that of a fast/medium pace bowler, the deliveries to be bowled using their Standard Delivery Type shall, unless the Testing Team determines otherwise, be equally divided between deliveries of the following lengths (subject to a small margin of error at the Testing Team’s discretion in accordance with paragraph 32(c)):

  1. good length;

  2. yorker length; and

  3. bouncer length.

29 Where the Player’s Standard Delivery Type is that of a spin bowler, the deliveries to be bowled using their Standard Delivery Type shall, unless the Testing Team determines otherwise, be good length deliveries (subject toa small margin of error at the Testing Team’s discretion in accordance with paragraph 32(c)).

30 The Player shall, for the purposes of enabling the Testing Team to make the judgement required under paragraph 32(b) (wide delivery), verbally notify the Testing Team at the commencement of the Independent Assessment as to whether they wish their deliveries to be assessed as being delivered to a right or left-handed batsman. The Player may inform the Testing Team at any stage of the Independent Assessment if they wish to change this earlier notification. In the absence of any such notification, the Independent Assessment shall be conducted on the basis of a right-handed batsman.

31 The Player may at any time during the Independent Assessment request a break and/or refreshments, which the Testing Team shall accommodate wherever reasonable.

32 The Testing Team shall require the Player to repeat any of the following deliveries, which consequently shall not comprise part of the Independent Assessment:

  1. any delivery which would be deemed a no ball under Law 24.5 (the feet)or Law 24.6 (breaking wicket in delivering ball) of the Laws of Cricket;

  2. any delivery which would be deemed a wide under Law 25 of the Laws of Cricket; or

  3. any delivery which, allowing for a small margin of error on the part of the Player in terms of length, does not correspond to the length of delivery specified by the Testing Team accordance with paragraph 28.

33 The Testing Team shall have complete discretion in judging (in respect of both the Player’s Standard Delivery Type and all applicable Specific Variations):

  1. whether the Player has accurately complied with the requirements of the Independent Assessment (including but not limited to the replication of their match bowling action, length of run-up, position on the crease, and pace of delivery); and

  2. whether any deliveries are required to be repeated under paragraph32 above in order for the Independent Assessment to be completed by the Player.

Independent Assessment Reports

34 The Independent Assessment Report shall be presented to the ICC (in the form prescribed by the ICC as set out at Appendix A) as soon as reasonably possible after the Independent Assessment and, unless exceptional circumstances exist no later than 10 days from the date of the Independent Assessment.

35 The Independent Assessment Report shall also include:

  1. a statement as to whether, in the opinion of the Appointed Specialist, the Player accurately replicated their match bowling action in the Independent Assessment (including in respect of any Specific Variations); and

  2. a completed Player Attendance Form.


36 Immediately upon receipt of the Independent Assessment Report, the ICC shall send the Independent Assessment Report to at least one member of the ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists (who shall not have had any prior involvement with the Player’s case) for review and validation in accordance with Article 5.3 of the Illegal Bowling Regulations.


37 Article 2.1 of the Illegal Bowling Regulations references the degree of Elbow Extension that constitutes an Illegal Bowling Action. Where the validated Independent Assessment Report records the degree of Elbow Extension on any delivery of the Player’s Standard Delivery Type to be in excess of the level specified in Article 2.1, the Player shall therefore be determined to have used an Illegal Bowling Action. Where the validated Independent Assessment Report records the degree of Elbow Extension on any delivery of a Specific Variation to be in excess of the level specified in Article 2.1, the Player shall therefore be determined to have used an Illegal Bowling Action in respect of that Specific Variation.

38 Accordingly, in order for a Player to be determined to have used a legal bowling action (in respect of both their Standard Delivery Type and any applicable Specific Variations), the degree of Elbow Extension recorded for every delivery from each mode of delivery during the Independent Assessment must be within the level specified in Article 2.1 of the Illegal Bowling Regulations.





2.1 Video Footage


3.1 Details

3.2 Player Information

3.3 Accredited Testing Centre Information

3.4 Preparation for Independent Assessment

3.5 Conduct of Independent Assessment


4.1 Results of Independent Assessment

The degree of Elbow Extension used by the Player in delivering the ball during the Independent Assessment and measured using the Standard Analysis Protocols is set out at Table 1.

Still images comparing the Player’s Match bowling action with that used in the Independent Assessment are set out in Figure 2.

Graphs showing the degree of elbow flexion from upper-arm-horizontal (0%) to ball release (100%) for certain deliveries during the Independent Assessment are set out in Figure 1.

The Testing Team [were/were not] satisfied that the Player replicated their match bowling action (including full length run-up, position on the crease, and pace of delivery) during the Independent Assessment.

The Player’s Elbow Extension for their [Standard Delivery Type/Specific Variation Delivery (specify)] [did not exceed 15 degrees/exceeded 15 degrees] as set out in the Illegal Bowling Regulations.

Signature: .....................................................................................................................................................................


Role: Appointed Specialist

Date: ................................................................................................................................................................................

4.2 Validation

This Independent Assessment Report is deemed valid following a review of all relevant data and information as provided by the Appointed Specialist. The review indicated that the Independent Assessment was carried out correctly using the Standard Analysis Protocols under the Illegal Bowling Regulations.

Signature: .......................................................................................................................................................................


Role: Member of ICC Panel of Human Movement Specialists

Date: ...................................................................................................................................................................................


Table 1 – Presentation of Results


Figure 1: Graphs showing Elbow Extension (from upper-arm-horizontal (0%)

to ball release (100%) for certain deliveries)

Figure 2: Comparison of Match bowling action against the bowling action

used in the Independent Assessment

[insert comparative still images – multiple figures can be used to show comparison from various camera angles]

Figure 3: Accredited Testing Centre and camera set-up

Figure 4: Marker placement on bowling arm

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