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Conflict Management Tips

Conflict Management Tips

The handling of conflict situations requires special management skills.

Animosity on the field can arise from two sources:

1) Player vs Player 2)Player vs Umpire

  • Some umpires have a dislike for getting involved whilst others may step in too quickly, either way the umpires will quickly lose the respect of the players.

  • Never react too quickly.

Conflict Tips - Player vs Player

  1. A disappointed bowler needs a little time to cool down. If the incident happens during an over, consider waiting until the over is completed before saying anything.

  2. An astute captain will realize his bowlers cannot perform to their optimum if they are rattled and will quite often speak to the player.

  3. If this happens wait to see if it produces the desired effect. If not, you should have a quite word saying something like “Please don’t let things get too heated out here”.

This is a non-threatening/informal way of defusing a potential problem impacting further on the match. If the bowler shows no interest in improving his/her behavior, involve the captain immediately, and along with your partner request action be taken.

Conflict Tips - Player vs Umpire

Often the fielding team will feel aggravated over a decision. To show that the umpire is in control and of good temperament he should stand by his decision and reject of feeling guilt.

  1. In the first instance, request the captain to control his players in accordance with the Spirit of Cricket.

  2. If you need to speak to a player, never walk towards in an aggressive manner or point fingers in an animated way.

  3. .Always involve the captain and your fellow umpire so that all concerned will know what was said.

  4. If there is a reporting procedure involved, it must be made together with your colleague - even if you have not heard what was said.

  5. Your collective input into the report will be crucial if/when a hearing takes place.

Successful umpires know how much to tolerate before acting under the Code of Conduct.

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