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3rd Umpire Checklist - Meeting Pre-Game with Director/Broadcaster

3rd Umpire Checklist - Meeting Pre-Game with Director/Broadcaster

These points / issues should be covered by the 3rd Umpire with the Director before the start of the match and ideally the day before. The list is not comprehensive and is also dependent upon the level of technology used by the broadcaster and if it is a DRS series. However, it should be used as a foundation to a pre-match discussion.

  1. 3rd Umpire to familiarize himself with the various camera angles (ideally get a camera ground map from the Director). Also check for other cameras to be used such as stump cam, cherry picker camera or Spidercam.

  2. Obtain “TV time” so that everyone is using the same game time for match times - communicate those back to the on-field umpires.

  3. Check Broadcaster technology tools being used such as…

    1. Ultra-motion cameras

    2. Super slow-motion cameras

    3. Magnifying glass (“fish-eye”) / Zoomer - if so, how long does it take to process?

    4. UltraEdge/Hot Spot/RTS - how many cameras and front on / side on?

    5. Ball tracking technology

    6. iPad/Tablet functioning

    7. Front foot technology, if used, is functioning.

    8. Clean audio stump microphone feed for DRS caught decisions.

Ask for a camera map. This is available for all broadcast crew and shows the type, and location of cameras:

The camera map, left, shows the type of cameras being used, and the location of the cameras around Old Trafford, Manchester.

4. Check with Director and VTR operator to ensure…

  1. when no balls are checked (front foot and /or back foot) that the VTR operator freezes the initial point of landing and not where the foot finishes - ensure they know what landing is (first point of contact).

  2. When judging run outs / stumpings that the frame that is frozen is at the point where one bail is completely separated from the top of the stumps - complete Check with the director for the best times to talk to him… do not hesitate to speak to Director whilst review is going on explaining to him what you are trying to establish for example if you get a bat/pad contact together in a LBW

  3. Pre-game as a final check of pictures and communication.

  4. When to tell the umpires’, it is ok to start the match / session.

  5. Notification of any drinks breaks.

  6. Clarification of umpiring issues or breaks in play.

5. Check and confirm the decision-making protocol:

  1. 3rd umpire to ask for each replay angle as necessary and then conclude with the phrase “do you have anything else to help me, before I make my decision?” - if the answer is “no”, then the director should agree not to show another replay that does not support the decision already made.

  2. With Umpire referrals - remind the director which appeals need to have the front foot replay check automatically (basically, all except for runout)

  3. Check to see how the 3rd umpire’s decision will be made - through lights, replay screen or verbally to director who then puts it up on the replay screen.

  4. Protocols to wait for an on-field umpire to wait until he is on screen before the 3rd umpire advises him to make his decision.

6.. Establish a working relationship with the director so that both the 3rd umpire

and Director can help each other and use each other’s names appropriately -

the aim is to get the right decisions in an efficient manner as well as help

produce good television.

7. Establish who to contact and how if there is an equipment failure or issue in

the 3rd umpire’s box - how to contact engineering or the director? Can the

broadcaster supply the 3rd umpire with a back-up two-way radio?

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